Leashes and Gear
Zipp-n-Go Leashes
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  • This innovative dog leash will help simplify dog leashing tasks, save time, and minimize frustrations with ordinary leashes and collars.  This amazing leash creates simplicity for most dog owners on a daily ...
  • You can see the Kushee on the dog collar portion of the neck that is adjustable left to right. This puts the kushee on the front of the dog trachea. Helps with gagging and help with dog training and control.
  • This is Jayda with a standard Zipp-n-Go Leash. She Is in many dog magazines, videos and seen with me in shows around the country.
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Zipp-n-Go Leashes


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Kushee Grip On Leash:

Product Summary

This dog leash with a kushee on the collar and a grip on the leash portion for gaining easy control of your dog. This dog leash and collar all-in-one will help simplify dog leashing tasks, save time, and minimize frustrations with ordinary leashes and collars.

This amazing leash creates simplicity for most dog owners on a daily basis.If you wish for more control of your dog during training, walking, running this could be a great change for you and your dog.This leash will help with dogs that like to tug on the leash.This leash is more beneficial if used above a regular flat collar.

When placed on the dog correctly, it should help with pulling, if not try our Zipp-n-Go with a DoggBoss Handle or call us for more help.The collar portion self adjusts to any dog and size.There is no bolt snap to hassle with, it’s very humane because it’s flat.It helps prevent coughing/ gagging like a regular flat or choke collars but yet gives more control.It does not put direct pressure on the throat when the dog is pulling on the leash or during corrections by the dog owner during training or exercising.

The Zipp-n-Go helps to prevent a dog from backing out of their collar while being leashed, walked or trained.The Zipp-n-Go also comes with a 1 inch wide, very soft handle for comfort.It's the very first zipping dog leash and is easy to use. We hope you love it and your dog will too. If not please send it back and we will refund your money.

For any queries on its use, Give Us a Call. (PATENT PENDING)   Check out the reviews tab to see how a Zipp-n-Go dog training with Kushee collar leash can help you with your dog or puppy. 





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